Men’s Health Month – Health Tips for Men Living with Chronic Illness
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June is men’s health month. Raising awareness to men’s health problems is important and it becomes critical for men living with a chronic disease.
Health outcomes among boys and men continue to be substantially worse than between girls and women.
According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), the reasons behind this gender health gap vary, but often include:
- Men are less likely to discuss their health issues with relatives and friends for fear of being shunned
- Men are less likely to visit a doctor and are less likely to report their full range of symptoms when they do see a physician
This month, we would like to diminish this gender health gap by providing you with health tips to improve your disease management.
Health Tips for Men Living with a Chronic Disease
A long-term illness diagnosis always comes as a shock, and understandably, you will experience a range of emotions following your initial diagnosis.
Living with a chronic condition is not easy, as symptoms worsen and change without warning. For this reason, it’s vital that you learn how to cope with the daily challenges.
These tips will help you manage your disease better and improve your quality of life.
1. Learn Everything You Can About Your Condition
The more you know about your illness, the better equipped you’ll be to understand what’s happening and why.
2. Build a Partnership Between You and Your Doctor
One crucial factor in health outcomes is to take responsibility for your care. Your doctor is an invaluable part of your disease management, but it’s not feasible for them to know everything you are experiencing. Keep track of symptoms and any changes you experience and share these with your doctor.
3. Consider Yourself an Investment
A chronic disease diagnosis will inevitably carry lifestyle changes to reduce and prevent flareups. These changes will often include dietary adjustments, staying active, losing weight, and giving up a few vices like smoking or alcohol. When presented with these, don’t view them as negatives in your life but rather as an investment in creating the best possible health outcome for you.
4. Involve Others
We know it can be difficult to talk about the daily challenges of coping with a chronic illness. However, being open about your feelings and the changes you are experiencing will help those around you understand and help you overcome them.
5. Keep Up with Your Disease Management Plan
Remember to take your medication at the correct times. Keep your doctor and infusion therapy appointments. Be diligent with your physical activity and don’t forget your mental health.
6. Be Mindful of Depression, Anxiety, And Stress
Your mental health is just as important as your physical wellbeing. Chronic disease patients are more likely to experience anxiety, stress, and depression. Don’t be afraid to reach out and get the help you need.
This month, make yourself a priority. Invest in your health and break down stereotypes. Together we can reduce the gender health gap.