How Will My Lupus Patients Benefit from In-Office Biologic Therapies?

How Will My Lupus Patients Benefit from In-Office Biologic Therapies?

With an estimated 204,000 people in the United States living with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), physicians are always looking for ways to improve patient care and treatment outcomes, making accessibility to advanced and effective treatments critical.

One promising area of ​​innovation is biologic therapy, which has shown significant potential in managing Lupus. Administering these therapies in your existing office offers numerous benefits that can help improve patient outcomes and overall quality of care.

Watch the video: How Will My Lupus Patients Benefit from In-Office Biologic Therapies?

Biologic Therapy for Lupus

Biologic therapies target specific immune system components that contribute to the inflammatory and autoimmune processes seen in Lupus.

Unlike traditional immunosuppressive drugs, biologics offer a more focused approach, reducing inflammation and disease activity with potentially fewer side effects.

The leading biologics used in treating Lupus is Belimumab (Benlysta), which targets the B-lymphocyte stimulating protein (BLyS), effectively reducing Lupus symptoms and flares. Additionally, Benlysta can also reduce the need for steroids by up to 25%.

How Will My Lupus Patients Benefit from In-Office Biologic Therapies?

Case Studies and Real-World Evidence

Real-world evidence and case studies have demonstrated the positive impact of in-office biologic therapies on patients with Lupus.

For example, a study published in Lupus Science & Medicine highlighted that patients who received Belimumab in a controlled clinical setting achieved a stable low lupus disease activity state (LLDAS) and remission compared to those who only received traditional therapies.

How Will My Lupus Patients Benefit from In-Office Biologic Therapies?

Benefits of In-Office Administration of Biologics

Improved Monitoring and Immediate Response

Administering biologic therapies in your office allows for direct monitoring of patients during and immediately after treatment. This lets you quickly identify and manage adverse reactions and ensures patient safety.

Close monitoring also facilitates timely adjustments to treatment protocols based on patient response, optimizing efficacy.

Improving Treatment Adherence

Treatment adherence is a major challenge in the management of chronic diseases such as Lupus.

By offering in-office administration, you can ensure your patients receive their medications timely, in a safe, and comfortable environment, reducing the risk of missed doses and improving overall treatment adherence.

This is particularly important for biologics, where consistent administration is crucial to maintaining therapeutic levels and achieving optimal outcomes.

How Will My Lupus Patients Benefit from In-Office Biologic Therapies?

Comprehensive Patient Education and Support

In-office visits allow patients to learn firsthand about their condition and treatment plan.

During their in-office biologic therapy sessions, you can provide personalized guidance on managing side effects, lifestyle modifications, and the importance of adhering to their medication regimen.

Additionally, patients may feel more supported and reassured by receiving their treatments in a clinical setting, with direct access to their chosen healthcare provider.

Improved Multidisciplinary Care Coordination

In-office administration of biologics facilitates better care coordination among the multidisciplinary team involved in a patient’s treatment, offering a more cohesive approach to patient management.

This integrated care model can lead to more comprehensive and personalized treatment plans, addressing all aspects of patient health.

In-office biologic therapies offer promising advancements in treating Lupus, providing numerous benefits that may improve patient outcomes and elevate the standard of care for Lupus patients.

How Will My Lupus Patients Benefit from In-Office Biologic Therapies?

Altus Biologics’ mission is to improve biologic treatment accessibility, so If you are interested in learning the easiest, most cost-effective, and most productive way to offer in-office biologic therapies to your patients, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help.

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