Happy National Administrative Professionals Day!

Happy National Administrative Professionals Day!

Today is a special day, for it’s the day we recognize the professionals who keep our office running smoothly.

This observance highlights the valuable work of secretaries, administrative assistants, and other support professionals that are central to our business.

Without the dedication and hard work of these individuals, our company’s success would not be possible. Every day, our administrative professionals go above and beyond their regular duties to help keep us organized and make our professional lives more efficient.

Administrative professionals are often the unsung heroes of our office, and they don’t always get the recognition they deserve. So today, we would like to take this as an opportunity to highlight our exceptional admin team.

Meet Linda Gibbs

Q/ What is the most exciting part of your role at Altus Infusion?

A/ The variety of things I get to do and learn.


Q/  What have been some of the biggest challenges in your role since working from home?

A/  Definitely the isolation!  I miss the social aspect of being in the office and am looking forward to being able to go back into the office.


Q/  What are some of your interests and hobbies outside of your career?

A/  I have a very close family, so I love spending time with them, including our yearly week on the beach at Panama City Beach, FL.  I also enjoy watching TV and movies and occasionally some light reading.


Q/  What advice would you give to your younger self?

A/ Be more assertive. Stop worrying about what other people think.


Q/  If you could have dinner with one historical/influential/inspirational figure, who would it be and why?

A/ My late husband, Owen, because he helped me become more independent and confident throughout our 31 years of marriage.  I would love to tell him everything I’ve done and accomplished over the past ten years without him.


Q/  What is your favorite inspirational quote?

A/ The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

Introducing Sally Kristoff

Sally is the Executive Assistant to Mark Elliott and Clint Flowler


Q/ What is the most exciting part of your role at Altus Infusion?

A/ The ever-changing environment and the employees I get to talk/see every day.


Q/What have been some of the biggest challenges in your role since working from home?

A/ Managing my time and my 3rd grader! But I’m grateful that I get to be home with him.


Q/What are some of your interests and hobbies outside of your career?

A/ Whatever sports my kids are playing and I used to like shopping/going to the movies but lately – long walks have been nice too. It’s a way to spend some outdoor time with the family.


Q/What advice would you give to your younger self?

A/ Don’t stress about it; everything will be okay – you are exactly where you’re meant to be 🙂


Q/ What is your favorite inspirational quote?

A/ “Peace begins with a smile…” – Mother Teresa

Our administrative staff plays a pivotal role in our organization. Although their tasks vary, they are the ones responsible for keeping us on track, organizing our daily tasks, including meetings, and even take the role of event planners.

Perhaps their most crucial role lies in managing interoffice communication and responding to both internal and external client requests. Thanks to their work, our leaders and the company as a whole can focus on more strategic areas aimed to help the company grow.

Thanks for the dedication and passion you bring to your jobs; without you, Altus Infusion’s success story would not be possible.

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

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